Infinite thanks to Grace for 🐛 tırtıl 🙂

Infinite thanks to my father Hasan Tevfik Büyüksoy for Mastery; to my mother Esin Büyüksoy for Patience; to Müzeyyen Güçlü, Hafize Büyüksoy Akbulut, Halil İbrahim Güçlü, Saadet Şebnem Arnas Büyüksoy, Hasan Berk Güçlü, Dilara Büyüksoy, Vural Akbulut, Esin Berin Güçlü, Uğur Deniz Akbulut, Kerim Gököz, Berra Sagun Gököz and Köpük 🐶 for SharingMehmet Yörük, Yenal Göğebakan, Mustafa TanCan Tümay OğuzAlev Ayşen Aydın, and Betül Asil Töre for Inspiration; Handan Erdağ, Refik Vural, Cüneyt Argun Genç and Kemal Erdem for OpennessSüleyman Tüfekçi, Sencer YeralanAyşecan BoduroğluOğuz Keskin and Zafer Şen for OpportunityDidem Gökçay (Ünlü), Şahin Timurcan and Mehmet Çopur for Humor; Dilek BağcıTarık TekinSelen Şener, Ahu Tecim Doğan and Azize Özgüven for pure Love.

On the road to Love, I am infinitely grateful to ones who point to heart. Among them, especially thanks to Yunus Emre, Rumi, Shams-e Tabrizi and Osho for exposing our limitless Love nature; Eckhart Tolle and Adyashanti for sharing their spiritual maturity experience; Thich Nhat Hanh for real Love between lovers, Mooji for being at the top of BirOluş by offering a maturity in non-dualism and direct-experienceMooji for being a BirOluş guru; Meher Baba for being Love; Hafiz for divine expression of Love; Alan Watts for joyful irony with a hint of rascality; and Rupert Spira for utmost verbal expression of non-duality and direct experience.

On the road to Understanding, I am infinitely grateful to ones who point to mind in all its forms.  Among them, especially thanks to Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, Sheikh Bedrettin, Stefano D’Anna, Chade-Meng Tan, Bob Chapman, Raj Sisodia and Sadhguru for pointing to top BizOluş potential; Jamie Andreas and Tanju Yıldırım for a journey from artistic performance to yoga; Richard Moon for beautifully expressing the power of extraordinary listening; Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi for being a positive psychology leader; Irvin Yalom for dialog art; Malcolm Gladwell for social implications of being human; Bert Hellinger and Svagito Liebermeister for family constellation work and bringing a more mature therapeutic approach with East-with-West union; Dan Siegel, Bruce Lipton, Azra Kohen and Joshua Waitzkin for courage to dive into the depths of human potential; and Thomas Warren Campbell and Nassim Haramein for unifying matter and spirit.

Infinite thanks to all people who created technologies to enable discovering blooming human beings, to all who are bee-like providing content, and to all beings who shows God’s face to all walking in the world.